Generate Leads With The National Mortgage Database

Datamasters » Generate Leads With The National Mortgage Database

Business owners are spending thousands of dollars each year on marketing and very few are getting any results! You might even be one of them. 

Maybe you’ve tried following trends or one of the other more talked about marketing fads with little success.

But the national mortgage database is no fad. It’s a proven way to deliver quality leads that can be targeted in 3 different ways. 

Sound interesting?

It is, and we’re going to show you how to use this database to attract your ideal prospect right to your door, website or storefront. 

So if you’re ready, let’s get started.

What is The National Mortgage Database?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could create a master list of all the best prospects you could find? 

Just imagine that.

What if you could list out all the characteristics of your ideal client, maybe starting with income, then location, and credit score. Then to top it off list out all of the little details about there mortgage – all the way down to transaction type? 

Well, that’s exactly what the national mortgage database allows you to do. It’s a list of almost 70 million homeowners! DataMasters has compiled this list and not only that, they have access to over 8 million email addresses, and a list of over 5 million dnc scrubbed phone numbers. 

The national mortgage database holds exclusive mortgage information about every homeowner in the United States. It’s sourced from county courthouses public records, the three major credit bureaus, and county tax offices.

This information can be leveraged and organized to create a list of your ideal prospects. 

Why is Using a National Mortgage DataBase Important?

Being able to leverage a list of this size, and have the control to organize it to suit your needs is a very big reason to start with. Using this database allows you to improve upon your decision making as you select and target your new leads. 

If you have ever spent time with a client that did not know if they wanted to purchase something or not, you can appreciate the simplicity in marketing this way. The level of specificity is astonishing. 

This saves you so much time. You don’t have to use your resources running credit reports or cold calling phone numbers of people that might not work out. Using this list, you know the data you have is accurate and safe to take at face value. 

You can also select what location you want your clients to be from, just select a location anywhere in the United States and get a list of the homeowners in that area. 

This will improve your marketing and advertising efforts immensely, no matter what your business type, knowing who just purchased a home in your area is valuable. And all of the data is updated regularly so it’s always correct. 

When Should I Consider Using a National Mortgage Database?

It is not only for large businesses any longer to wield lead generation with such precision. Small businesses benefit just the same.

If you have been struggling to maintain a steady flow quality leads it’s time to consider using this proven marketing strategy to your benefit.

DataMasters has been serving small businesses for decades, carefully walking them through the process of targeted marketing. It’s time you do the same for your business. You might be thinking can my business really use this service to its fullest potential? 

The answer is yes! We will go over some examples later, but for now, here is a list of companies that can take their lead generation to the next level. 

  • Real Estate Companies
  • Restaurants
  • Cleaning Services
  • Debt Consolidation Businesses
  • Mortgage Lenders
  • Car Dealers
  • Landscaping Businesses

Just to name a few. It’s really safe to say, having such powerful data at your fingertips with a team like Datamasters to guide you using that data is worth the time you spend learning how.

How Are These Databases Actually Used?

A dry-cleaner could use this list to welcome a new family into the neighborhood with a coupon for fifty-percent off their first visit. 

A business that tutors young children in math can use the national mortgage database to see which homeowners have children. Then send a personalized message bringing up a scenario about the stresses of a busy workday, and not having time to help the kids with math (that’s a real issue, right?). 

Then insert their service, giving the parents one week free to show how they can improve the child’s math skills. 

Let’s do a business we mentioned above. The landscaping business. 

Incredibly the national mortgage database actually has all the information about the land the home is built on. The lot size, the square footage of the home, and more. 

The landscaper can use that list to see if new homeowners with a very large piece of land could use some assistance. Yard care can be hard work. 

The point is, if you sit back and think about your business, we are sure you can think of some creative ways to use the mortgage database to your advantage.  

Is It Hard to Get Started?

Absolutely not, it’s as easy as picking up the phone and calling (469) 549-1800. DataMasters expert data professionals will talk to you, and better understand what you want to accomplish. 

Whether you want to target people with email, direct mail or phone calls they will help you build out the strategy right for you. 

The best thing is when you are using a list, made up variables you selected, if something needs to be adjusted you know exactly where to start. You don’t have to start from scratch, you just adjust some things with their help and take it from there. Generating leads has never been so simple.  Not to mention you are given a 100% guarantee.

You get: 

  • Targeted data and mailing list
  • Expert support
  • Superior service 
  • One on one consultation.  

Summary and Next Steps

So what have we learned?

  • You learned what a national mortgage database is and why it’s important.
  • You also learned when you should consider using a mortgage database.
  • And lastly, you learned that DataMaster is the name you can trust when getting started. 

Marketing today can be very difficult without a proven strategy, it can be costly for your marketing budget and in the time spent trying to figure out what works.

Using a national mortgage database works.

It’s been used for decades by big businesses and now you have the opportunity to use it too. Use the list to tailor an email, a flyer for direct mail or give your prospect a call. 

This time, however, you have data that gives you the upper hand, it’s up to you to use it. 

Datamasters will be there with you every step of the way, helping you make your selections to create your ideal lead generated list. No guesswork, and no headaches. The superior data specialists will coach you, using the national mortgage database and in no time you’ll be saying I wish I had done this sooner. Call them at (469) 549-1800.

A row of homes listed in the National Mortgage Database

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