Connecting with Renters using Apartment Dwellers Mailing Lists

Datamasters » Connecting with Renters using Apartment Dwellers Mailing Lists

Apartment dwellers mailing lists hold the potential to help companies like yours reach an entirely new bank of potential customers. Selectively targeting renters is particularly useful for businesses that have specific products or services appealing to renters. This type of targeted marketing is also a fantastic way to reach potential customers around your business in densely populated areas.

Traditionally, marketing to apartment renters takes significant amounts of time, money, and manpower. Flyers need to be created then distributed door to door. This is very time tedious and time consuming, making it nearly impossible for small businesses to pull off this type of targeted marketing. Canvasing neighborhoods also doesn’t take demographics into account, meaning you may not be reaching your targeted audience after all. Now there’s a much better way.

DataMasters offers apartment dweller mailing list. Their 2018 database holds information for apartment complexes with more than 10 unites across the entire country. This incredible resource provides you with the names, addresses, and demographics you need without the hassle of spending days or weeks manually canvasing.

The DataMasters database offers a variety of list building options that are designed to fit your company’s needs. Our expert staff is ready and willing to help businesses just like yours reach the customers you need in order to thrive.

The Secrets behind Apartment Dwellers Mailing Lists

The United States contains more than 150,000 apartment complexes with a minimum of 10 units. This equals over 13 million renters. These potential customers are waiting to find products and services to enrich their lives. It’s a much neglected market that your company can explore in order to grow and thrive.

The best place to start with this type of targeted marketing approach is by examining your ideal customer. When you create a target customer profile with information about your ideal customer then you have an excellent targeting base. Target customer profiles can be built using location, age, gender, ethnicity, income, marital status, the presence of children, and even the length of residency. The goal is to learn what makes your customer special. For example, if you offer products or services for people of a certain age, then you’ll want to include that age in your target customer profile.

After you’ve created the profile then you speak with a data expert who will help build a list based upon that profile and provide you with their contact information. From here, you simply create an advertisement that will appeal to these customers. The best way to do this is to think critically about how your company can improve the lives of their customers. Eye-catching graphics are a great way to get your advertisement noticed. Once they stop and look at your advertisement use interesting and important information about what your company has to offer.

You may even consider including a special promotional coupon or code to encourage business. This is also a fantastic way to track the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. By tracking coupon or code usage you can learn how many customers are discovering your business as a result of your advertisement campaign.

Apartment Dwellers Mailing Lists can Make Business Boom

With apartment dwellers mailing lists you can reach a whole new world of customers. Using a little creative thinking can help boost the effectiveness of your campaigns. There are so many ways to advertise using mailing lists. You may even consider running more than one campaign. This helps increase reach and effectiveness. This method is extremely useful for companies with a wide range of services or products, or a product or service that appeals to a large customer base. Running simultaneous campaigns allows you to create advertisements that appeal to different customer types.

For example, a furniture store may sell both top of the line furniture and appliances as well as discount pieces. If you examine your customer statistics you’ll begin to see patterns. You may notice that customers at a certain income level gravitate toward the discount items while customers above a higher income level prefer to buy the luxury items. Based on this knowledge, you can create two advertisements, one that targets the lower income individuals and one for the higher income individuals. You now have the benefit of using two different advertising campaigns to appeal to two different groups of people. You can send an advertisement about discount pieces to the lower income group and an advertisement about luxury items to the higher income group.

Marketing directly to apartment renters is also great for real estate and insurance companies. Direct mail marketing is a fantastic method of reaching the people who need and want your products and services but don’t know where to get them. You can expand or narrow your audience as needed, which is unheard of in traditional advertisement methods such as television, newspapers, billboards, and radio.

The Future is in Direct Mail Marketing

Apartment dwellers mailing lists and other types of databases are the future of marketing. This is especially true in densely populated areas where the majority of individuals live in apartments. Targeted direct marketing allows you to focus on reaching the customers who matter most to your business. This method effective, easy, and shows an improved return on investment over other advertising methods.

However, it’s important to know where your information is coming from. In order to have an effective campaign you need a quality supplier. Many companies may try to sell you outdated information. However, DataMasters is meticulous in regard to their database information. They provide top-of-the-line, current information that is updated regularly. There’s a constant flow of renter turnover and DataMasters does everything they can to provide the most current information possible. We want you to have a successful campaign.

Our professional staff is waiting to help you learn how targeted direct marketing will transform your business. Not only can we provide you with the contacts you need, but we can help with advertisement design, printing, and mailing. Our goal is to help your business grow using apartment dwellers mailing lists. Our experienced staff understands that your success is our success and we take success seriously.

Call DataMasters today at (469) 549-1800 for more information on reaching your potential with apartment dwellers mailing lists.

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