Reaching Classic Car Owners for Your Marketing Needs

Datamasters » Reaching Classic Car Owners for Your Marketing Needs

Classic car owners fall into a very specific marketing niche. If you own a company that is trying to reach classic car owners you may understand how difficult it can be. By analyzing the demographics of classic car owners we find more ways to reach this targeted group.

DataMasters helps businesses just like yours reach your target customer base. We do this by gathering and sorting data to meet your marketing needs. This data is one of the most important aspects of advertising. Advertisements who don’t reach their target audience are essentially wasted money.

Demographics of Classic Car Owners

There are an estimated five million classic cars in the United States. Most of these cars are currently owned by baby boomers. These are people born between the years 1946 and 1964. The current median age of classic car owners is 56 years old. Information suggests that the older members of this generation are starting to sell their classic cars or pass them down to their children. We can expect to see this number continue to decrease as the baby boomer generation continues to downsize their classic car collections.

Current classic car owners are well established, well educated, and have the means to support their hobby. Nearly all of them are male at a staggering 97%. Another notable factor is that around 95% of them also own their own home and have an average household income near $140,000 per year.

It’s also important to understand which types of cars these individuals own. Nearly eighty percent of classic car owners in the US own American cars. These are mostly original cars and accurate restorations. The greatest interest seems to reside in post World War 2 models manufactured between 1946 and 1981. The lowest interest seems to be classic European cars.

These classic car owners are in the market for replacement parts, maintenance services, tools and machinery, collector vehicles, and automobilia. If your business specializes in any of these things, then having a direct connection to this specialized customer pool would be priceless.

Thankfully, DataMasters has a way for you to reach these valuable customers with our unique and customizable databases.

Database for Classic Car Owners

It’s now easier than ever to reach classic car owners through direct mail, as long as you have a fantastic database. We have a one of a kind database featuring information on individuals who own classic cars. This includes contact information on over 4.3 million vehicles manufactured prior to 1980. We also have over 550,000 imported classics manufactured before 1980. This information is updated monthly based on vehicle purchase and sale data. This means you always have the most recent information to reach the right customers. Our database is the highest quality option available. It’s also the most comprehensive and accurate classic automobile database available.

This data is customizable to reach individuals that fit your target customer market. We can break down the vehicle types by state to allow you to target individuals closest to your business. You can also narrow down the information by make, year, and model. We even give you the option to narrow the customer field by age, income, homeowners, gender, marital status, and children. In fact, there are over 200 various filters to narrow by demographics and lifestyle. This allows you to reach the exact customers you want to reach. No more wasted advertisements that miss their mark.

This data can be utilized to reach classic car owners to advertise classic car shows, classic car clubs, classic car rallies, magazine offers, aftermarket parts, service offers, and much more. You can even cross select classic car owners who also own a certain type of motorcycle, late model vehicle, or own an RV. The ways to use this automotive customer list are limitless.

Targeted Advertising for Classic Car Owners

The best thing about having the ability to reach a very specific customer is the ability to customize your advertisement for that customer. You can hone in on images and verbiage that appeal to your target customer. This allows you a unique opportunity to speak directly to the customers that matter most to your business.

Potential customers are much more likely to pay attention to your advertisement if it includes something they can relate to. This holds true for direct mail, telemarketing, and email marketing. If you can catch their eye or ear with something important to them then you’ll be able to pull them into the rest of the advertisement.

When constricting your advertisement, think about your existing customer base and what appeals to them. Then, figure out how to use this information to target other, similar auto customers that need what your business offers. By applying what you know about your target customer, you can gain the attention of other customers who meet your company’s customer profile. Reaching these customers is the best thing you can do to grow your business.

You can even use our database to create multiple advertising campaigns to ensure the success of your ads. For example, you can narrow the results even further and send customized advertisements to the people who all own a specific type of classic vehicle. Combine this filter with a beautiful picture of an accurately restored vehicle on the advertisement and you’ll grab their attention. Who doesn’t want to see the beautiful classic in your garage shining on an advertisement customized especially for you? The only limit on this is your imagination.

DataMasters for your Targeted Marketing Needs

Our data experts are standing by to answer any questions you might have about our uniquely superior automotive database. We’ve been in the data business for decades helping businesses just like yours grow and become profitable. We want to help your business succeed and the best way to do that is by helping you reach your ideal customers. Please, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to begin your journey to profitability.

Call DataMasters today at (469) 549-1800 for more information on using our database to reach Classic Car Owners.

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