EDDM Mailing Basics for Your Company’s Advertising Needs

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EDDM Mailing is another way for your business to advertise. Business owners often struggle to catch the eye of their target customer. Advertising can be expensive and time consuming. However, the USPS is now offering a service called Every Door Direct Mail, or EDDM mailing. This service is designed as another method of advertisement for businesses.

Here at DataMasters we understand that direct mail is still one of the strongest forms of advertising. Through the mail you can put information about your business into the hands of potential customers. We want to help you learn about EDDM mailing and how to utilize it the best way possible for your company.

What is EDDM Mailing?

EDDM mailing is also known as carrier route mailing. This means that a mail carrier distributes your company’s advertisement with the daily mail. The United States Postal Service has extended EDDM mailing to both small and large business owners. This is an affordable option to reach your customers for a fraction of the cost of sending the mail yourself.

The normal cost to mail a similar advertisement would be the price of the first class stamp per item, -along with the cost of printing. In order to bring costs down for businesses the USPS offers a discount for advertisements that meet specific requirements. Thousands of postcards or brochures can be sent out along any carrier route. They will be delivered to every door without the need for a mailing list. It’s a fantastic way to reach an entire community.

EDDM Mailing Guidelines

The USPS has put together specific guidelines for EDDM mailing. The only type of mail allowed for the discounted rate is a standard mail flat that fits within specific dimensions. The specifications for the mail pieces should be as follows:

  • Rectangular with four corners
  • Can have finished corners with a radius of less than 1/8 of an inch

In addition, the mail pieces must meet specific dimensions:

  • Not more than 15 inches long
  • Not more than 12 inches high
  • Not more than 3/4 inches thick
  • Address must appear in the top half but can be any orientation

Why Your Company Should Use EDDM Mailing

Any company that services a local community with their products or services can benefit from EDDM mailing. It’s a great way to increase the presence of your company while boosting sales. This style of advertising helps you market your business on a local level. It’s also a great way to introduce or reintroduce your business to the area.

EDDM mailing is also a great option because it is so simple and easy to use. You do not need a mailing list or a postal permit to reach thousands of potential customers. You can provide these potential customers with the following information:

  • Business name
  • Location
  • Hours
  • Contact Information
  • Products
  • Services
  • Menu
  • Upcoming Sales
  • Coupons
  • And much more…

As long as your advertisement meets the USPS guidelines, you can include anything you’d like on your ad. Coupons or notices of upcoming sales are a fantastic way to bring in new customers. Take a look at the types of EDDM mail that you receive at your home. Pay attention to the design and wording. You’ll quickly find that the size restrictions still offer a significant amount of advertising space for your business. EDDM mailing is a cost effective way to reach thousands of new customers. It’s also very easy to set up.

Setting Up EDDM Mailing Services

Setting up EDDM mailing services is fast and easy. After you’ve designed your advertisement within the USPS guidelines, you’ll have them printed. Bundle them together with a facing slip and take them to your local post office with payment. The facing slip will include the number of mail pieces along with the zip code or codes in which they will be delivered. From there, the post office and mail carriers will take over. The advertisements will be delivered to every home in the postal code listed.

If you include a coupon code on your advertisement you can keep track of the effectiveness of the campaign. This allows you to weigh the cost of sending out the advertisements with increased sales and customers.

In order to maximize the return from your EDDM mailing campaign you will want to provide the best service possible. Remember, getting customers in the door is only half the battle. You still want to encourage them to come back for more.

EDDM Mailing Services

DataMasters offers services for companies who want to participate in EDDM Mailing.  Our top quality equipment and experience gives us the ability to handle projects up to 100,000 pieces and more. We can print and mail advertisements for your company to save you time and money. Ask us about sizes and pricing options today.

Call DataMasters today at (469) 549-1800 for a quote on EDDM Mailing.