Effective Marketing Strategies Using Senior Mailing Lists

Datamasters » Effective Marketing Strategies Using Senior Mailing Lists

We live in a society that caters to two main demographics: the people who use the internet, and the people who don’t. Senior citizens are among the group known for not being “computer/technical savvy” — and that is totally fine! But it makes things a little trickier when it comes to marketing. How can your business reach senior citizens if they’re not all on Facebook, Instagram, or even email? Thankfully, there is a way… using senior mailing lists.

Senior citizens are an important demographic, and senior mailing lists are essential for most companies. Depending on your business, they could be your target audience. As a business owner, you need to find effective marketing strategies for all ages and demographics. This article is about our senior citizens and how to reach them with advertising. We’re going to cover the main advertising techniques that are effective with senior citizens, how to advertise in nursing homes, and the places you should be targeting.  

Where Should I Be Looking to Advertise? 

When we’re talking about physical places to advertise, nursing homes may be the first thing that comes to mind. It’s easy to forget that the majority of senior citizens are actually not in nursing homes. Yes, you can find a large number of them there. But most seniors are just in retirement. The question then becomes: where do retired or vacationing senior citizens hang out?  

Physical Advertising Locations

  • Fitness classes/centers. More and more fitness classes are catering to seniors. Spin classes, dance classes, Zumba, yoga, and more. There are also senior meetups for hiking or water sports. You might have some luck if you send some flyers, pamphlets, or handouts to a YMCA, a gym, or an aquatic center. Don’t forget the gyms. The gym is a highly frequented place for senior citizens. 
  • Country Clubs or Golf Clubs. Golf for seniors is more popular than ever. It’s a quiet and relaxing activity. Most golf clubs are comprised of around 30% of senior citizens. Country clubs are similar. They often have golf, pool, fitness activities, and social gatherings. This is a popular place for retired senior citizens.  
  • Cruise Ships. Cruises are popular for retirees who have saved their money for travel. Some couples will take cruises 1-3 times per year, often to timeshares in other countries.  
  • Nursing Homes. This one is the “big” one. If you have a business that caters to seniors who are older (like for life insurance or medical services), a nursing home is a great place to advertise. Many nursing homes have policies against solicitation. That being said, quite a few of them put out paper newsletters or newspapers for their senior citizens. 
  • Coffee shops. Coffee shops are big for retired seniors. This is a place for them to go, read the paper, and socialize. Retirement can be hard as far as isolation is concerned, so people like to get out and prevent that feeling. There are a large number of ways you can advertise with coffee shops – local coffee shops, especially. If you have a good relationship with the owners, they may allow you to leave out literature or run promotions. 

Alternative Advertising Options

Sometimes, it’s easier to advertise directly to senior citizens in their own home than it is to go through other businesses. One way to do this is with the use of senior mailing lists. These are lists compiled by data management companies. They sell lists to companies like yours. Each list is customized to your particular business needs to ensure you’re getting a unique list that works for your business.

Many companies use these lists to send physical post cards out to senior citizens through the mail. These cards can include information on your business, deals, even coupons. They’re easy to design and easier to use. It’s a great way to get your business noticed by seniors, right in their own mailbox.

Online Advertising to Reach Senior Citizens

One of the best things you can do for yourself is lock down your online presence. Your target audience of seniors may not be online all of the time, but the people that work there (most likely) are. If you have a good reputation with solid reviews, you’re more likely to be heard by the staff. Don’t forget to dominate your search engines. Make sure you utilize SEO to get to the top of the page for search results. If the staff is looking for professional cleaning services and your business is at the top, they’re more likely to click on you. If you’re selling food or medical equipment for seniors, make sure it’s the first thing seniors or staff see when they’re looking for it.  

Popular Advertising Techniques for Senior Citizens  

When you’re targeting seniors, you need to make sure you’re using what’s called “multi-channel” marketing. Remember that only about 25% of seniors own smartphones. Continue to advertise online, but make sure you’re utilizing other methods, as well. You’ll need to target them offline, as well.  

If you get in touch with digital retailers, ask them about their catalogs. See if they have any advertising space for you. Catalogs and magazines are used frequently with seniors, so it’s a great place to start. Newspapers are another great avenue. Print mail with hard-copy newsletters from your company can also be effective, along with simple phone calls. And of course, television commercials.  

You can also use targeted mailing lists to reach senior citizens. Senior mailing lists allow businesses that focus on products and services for seniors to reach their target customers directly. These lists can be filtered by location, age, and several other factors as well. To learn more about how you can get and use senior mailing lists, reach out to the data experts at DataMasters.

To learn more about senior mailing lists and contact information, call Datamasters at (469) 549-1800.

A happy senior citizen in a blue shirt and red hat

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