Get More Leads With Mortgage Email Lists

Datamasters » Get More Leads With Mortgage Email Lists

So you want to get more leads? Do you find yourself constantly fishing for leads, only to come up short? Or worse you generate unreliable leads? We know, it’s frustrating. Enter mortgage email lists. 

What’s that you ask? 

It’s a proven system for generating leads that’s not only reliable but handcrafted by your business or team to clear out the fluff and find the target audience that is ready, willing and prepared to use your services. 

Sound good? Great! 

In this article you are going to learn the secret to generating leads with mortgage email lists and say goodbye to low volume, low quality leads forever. It’s powerful stuff so let’s not waste any more time.

Let’s dive right in. 

What is a mortgage email list?

These lists are what big businesses have been profiting from for years on end. They use these email lists to target their ideal target audience and then tailor their direct marketing efforts to drive in high quality leads day in and day out. 

A mortgage email list is a list that you manufacture. A list that allows you to select a different set of characteristics for your ideal client. You can choose a plethora of details you want to target. Things like:

  1. Age
  2. Yearly Income
  3. Gender
  4. Mortgage Rate
  5. Credit Scores
  6. Location 

And a whole lot more. You see there are databases filled with compiled data from public records, credit bureaus, county tax offices and more! 

You leverage these resources and make selections from the most recent data. So you know your client before you market to them, in turn allowing you to develop instant trust with a personalized marketing strategy. 

What does this do for you? It shows you did your research and makes your marketing strategy work triple time sending a tidal wave of qualified leads right to your doorstep or website. 

Why Is a Mortgage Email List Important to You and Your Business? 

Let’s be candid, shall we? Without leads (aka opportunity) you have no sales, which means you have no business to run.

Wasting time never helped anyone… especially in business. When you don’t have a clear idea of the type of customer you want to target, it’s the equivalent of being inefficient with your marketing budget.

Mortgage email lists help you save precious time, with maximum return. By having a laser focus on who your prime target is, where you want to target, and what credentials you expect, you’re running your business at an optimal level. 

Do you know what you’re doing when you aren’t executing these pillars of good business? 

You’re guessing! And we don’t have to tell you how ineffective this is. 

Mortgage email lists keep the clients rolling in, consistently. Not half-hearted clients either. Instead, these clients know your brand and they’re in a  mindset to do business.

It doesn’t matter what your business is. Using Mortgage email lists can improve your lead generation tremendously. 

If that wasn’t enough proof, a recent study shows email marketing can:

  • Increase engagement
  • Improve brand awareness
  • Increase lead generation
  • Increase conversions

That’s some serious improvement, not to mention the return on investment. This 2019 report shows for every $1 spent on email marketing returns a hefty $42. 

When Should You Use Mortgage Email Lists?

DataMasters has made it their life’s work to compile the most accurate and trust-worthy lists available to their clients. They’ve created the resources to help you. 

But more on that later.

If you have been working tirelessly to generate quality leads for your business, it’s a perfect time to give mortgage email lists a try. 

Even if you’re doing ok, there is always room for more exposure. If you have a business that needs a steady flow of customers (what business doesn’t) this is a wonderful way to supplement your already thriving marketing strategy. 

Did you know that 91% of U.S adults like to receive email promotions? And that target email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to target new business? 

Yes, social media advertising is a great way to build a social presence, but… people read emails. Sometimes your ad can be missed in the barrage of Facebook posts that we are inundated with on a daily basis. 

A direct email tailored the proper way will get clicks, opened and read. 

And here is even more good news, 64% of marketing professionals say that email is still improving. Email is the most effective way to market, just beneath search engine searches. 

How can you Leverage Mortgage Email Lists

If you run a local business or eCommerce website, knowing who in your area owns a home is crucial. If you run a mortgage company you can use a list to see who a prospects home loan is through, see the rates and calculate if you can do better. 

What about a restaurant owner? Create a promotion for a new homeowner welcoming them to the neighborhood with a buy one get one free meal to say nice to have you in town. You can target parents, with an exclusive your kids eat free promotion. The possibilities are endless.

Run a local car dealership? Take a look at the income of your prospect, credit reports and more. 

Target them with a tantalizing offer on a new car, a free tune-up or oil change. 

You can offer free things which can open the window for future business.  You can personalize your email so specifically, they know you are talking directly to them (this is superior marketing at work).  

I know. You might be thinking, I don’t know how to build email mortgage lists? Is it hard? That’s a great question.

We have an even better answer.

How Do I Build My Mortgage Email List?

As mentioned earlier DataMasters has been servicing small and local businesses for years. They have professional data specialists that walk you through the process of crafting your ideal mortgage email list. 

Their databases are updated monthly with new purchase and refinance information so you can rest assured all the data and emails you receive are accurate. 

They will help you discover your precise target market and help you use the correct keywords and characteristics you need to engineer the email list you need.

They walk you step by step through the process removing all the guesswork and aggravation you would have if you used a service less reliable. 

With almost 70 million active mortgage records throughout the USA and over 8 million email addresses, you are in great hands. 

Summary and Next Steps

So what have we learned?

  1. What mortgage email lists are.
  2. Why they are important.
  3. When you should use them and how to leverage them, and
  4. How you can build your list confidently. 

Now the next step is to take advantage of this remarkable resource. Use Datamasters just like all the other successful businesses have, to grow and generate high-quality leads with ease. You know the power of mortgage email lists now so use it to your advantage. Let Datamasters walk you through the steps to success. Reach them at (469) 549-1800.

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