Ailment Sufferers, Medical Conditions & Medication Users Mailing Lists
Overview: Datamasters Offers a Brand New Multi-Survey Database with over 800 selections available for Ailments, Diseases, and Medical Conditions and Medications, and Pharma ceuticals used both by Prescription and over the counter. We have Medication User Information for Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, High Cholesterol, Cold & Flu, Depression, Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Pain Relief, Weight Loss + many more. See our available selections here:
Data Quantities: We have over 92 Million USA Individuals with Postal Information with an indicator for at least one of the following: Ailments, Diseases, Medical Condition + the Medications used or Pharmaceuticals used. Also we have over 45 Million Phone Numbers and over 22 Million Email Addresses available for these people.
Compilation Methods: The Ailment Database is 100% Permission-Based Data was provided directly from Mail-Responsive Consumers via Household Surveys, Mail Order Purchase Information, Prescription Records, Subscription Order Forms, Re-Call Registrations, Pharmaceutical Companies, Sweepstakes entry forms, Telephone and Rebate Coupons, 800 number respondents and Consumer Surveys both online and offline, thereby making your marketing campaign effective in reaching the correct individual suffering with specific issues!
ABDOMINAL | 348,917 | 233,859 |
ACNE | 142,232 | 123,977 |
ADHD | 168,776 | 175,931 |
ALCOHOLISM | 165,741 | 172,779 |
ALLERGIES | 18,080,841 | 12,496,901 |
ALOPECIA AREATA | 167,413 | 174,161 |
ALZHEIMERS | 1,575,499 | 1,493,313 |
AMPUTATION | 168,443 | 175,666 |
ANXIETY | 186,783 | 162,810 |
APERGERS | 168,953 | 175,445 |
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS | 6,010 | 5,239 |
ARTHRITIS | 14,538,546 | 10,065,825 |
ASTHMA | 8,718,885 | 6,111,790 |
ATHLETES FOOT | 9,568 | 8,340 |
AUTISM | 165,630 | 173,019 |
BACK | 350,297 | 235,349 |
BIPOLAR | 17,906,613 | 12,382,051 |
BLADDER | 231,017 | 201,366 |
BLINDNESS | 164,240 | 170,979 |
BLOOD DISORDER | 722,148 | 529,284 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 7,329,397 | 3,957,714 |
BONE DISEASE | 325,207 | 212,287 |
BRAIN INJURY | 352,010 | 291,382 |
BREAST CANCER | 1,065,006 | 734,337 |
BRONCHITIS | 1,702 | 1,484 |
BURN | 169,367 | 176,253 |
CANCER | 32,152,404 | 19,528,258 |
CARDIOVASCULAR | 28,084,761 | 20,950,003 |
CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME | 2,111 | 1,840 |
CELIAC DISEASE | 326,937 | 340,232 |
CEREBRAL PALSY | 169,321 | 176,101 |
CHEST PAIN | 207,440 | 134,363 |
CHILD WELLNESS | 78,833 | 55,118 |
CHOLESTEROL | 17,725 | 15,450 |
CHRONIC BRONCHITIS | 16,996 | 14,815 |
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME | 172,217 | 179,392 |
CHRONIC PAIN | 433,415 | 377,787 |
CIRRHOSIS | 148,579 | 84,204 |
CLEFT LIP AND PALATE | 164,051 | 171,188 |
COLON ISSUES | 74,562 | 49,837 |
CONTACTS | 238,354 | 207,762 |
COPD | 2,546,724 | 1,600,650 |
CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE | 1,240,539 | 1,287,186 |
CROHNS DISEASE | 603,988 | 531,969 |
CYSTIC FIBROSIS | 165,788 | 172,504 |
DANDRUFF | 23,296 | 20,306 |
DEAFNESS | 170,046 | 176,743 |
DEMENTIA | 1,558,720 | 1,073,578 |
DENTAL | 3,674 | 2,488 |
DEPRESSION | 2,196,445 | 1,539,071 |
DEPRESSION/ANXIETY | 92,919 | 80,993 |
DIABETES | 10,583,728 | 7,374,118 |
DIABETES TYPE 1 | 54,627 | 47,616 |
DIABETES TYPE 2 | 185,585 | 161,765 |
DIET | 2,588,193 | 2,256,003 |
DIET OR ED | 191,193 | 166,654 |
DIGESTIVE | 3,772,767 | 1,977,950 |
DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY | 170,655 | 177,990 |
DOWN SYNDROME | 170,508 | 177,747 |
DRUG ADDICTION | 7,029,986 | 4,897,355 |
DWARFISM | 164,793 | 171,923 |
DYSPHGIA | 4,595,666 | 3,167,932 |
EAR | 152,893 | 102,457 |
EATING DISORDERS | 166,748 | 173,402 |
ECZEMA | 164,781 | 171,774 |
EMPHYSEMA | 169,021 | 147,327 |
ENDOMETRIOSIS | 170,669 | 177,305 |
EPILEPSY | 1,321,596 | 967,031 |
EYE | 592,263 | 376,555 |
FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME | 168,422 | 175,561 |
FIBROMYALGIA | 3,367,639 | 2,264,860 |
FOOT | 98,871 | 67,000 |
GENETIC | 37,231 | 24,406 |
GERDS | 164,067 | 170,796 |
GI | 454,111 | 298,382 |
GINGIVITIS | 2,158 | 1,881 |
GLASSES | 87,648 | 76,399 |
GROWTH HORMONE DEFICIENCY | 165,327 | 172,758 |
HAIR LOSS | 25,438 | 22,173 |
HEARING | 60,072 | 52,362 |
HEART DISEASE | 37,355,696 | 22,662,569 |
HEART FAILURE | 165,458 | 172,546 |
HEARTBURN | 227,987 | 198,725 |
HEREDITARY MOTOR AND SENSORY N | 166,701 | 173,906 |
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE | 410,816 | 358,088 |
HIGH CHOLESTEROL | 11,556,888 | 7,863,906 |
HIV | 173,503 | 180,489 |
HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE | 167,823 | 174,605 |
HYPERACIDITY AND HEARTBURN | 392,888 | 342,461 |
HYPERLIPIDEMIA | 318,371 | 204,019 |
IMMUNE SYSTEM DYSFUNCTION | 2,832,379 | 1,949,829 |
IMPAIRED VISION | 8,159 | 7,112 |
IMPOTENCE/ED | 13,069 | 11,392 |
INDIGESTION | 173 | 151 |
INFANT HEALTH | 11,041 | 6,636 |
INFECTION | 222,151 | 150,231 |
INFECTIOUS DISEASES | 164,216 | 171,024 |
INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE | 168,395 | 175,089 |
INSOMNIA | 8,444,253 | 5,818,602 |
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME | 490,912 | 338,292 |
KIDNEY DISEASE | 3,892,826 | 2,762,156 |
LACTOSE INTOLERANCE | 17,488,306 | 12,092,196 |
LASIK | 129,563 | 112,934 |
LEARNING DISABILITIES | 326,293 | 340,229 |
LIPITOR RX | 582 | 507 |
LIVER DISEASE | 11,232,377 | 7,788,471 |
LUPUS | 324,132 | 337,599 |
MENOPAUSE | 35,430 | 30,883 |
MENS HEALTH | 168,743 | 116,724 |
MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS | 40,749 | 35,519 |
MENTAL HEALTH | 22,381,770 | 14,348,423 |
MIGRAINE | 166,525 | 172,791 |
MIGRAINES OR HEADACHES | 280,279 | 244,306 |
MITRAL REGURGITATION | 167,011 | 174,022 |
MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE | 167,397 | 174,628 |
MONO | 164,522 | 171,536 |
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS | 323,363 | 336,581 |
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY | 168,949 | 176,151 |
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION | 170,075 | 176,875 |
NAIL FUNGUS | 1,009 | 879 |
NARCOLEPSY | 166,100 | 173,074 |
NASAL ALLERGIES | 2,711,525 | 2,363,505 |
NASAL CONGESTION | 59,866 | 52,182 |
NERVES | 133,659 | 92,590 |
OBESITY | 167,955 | 174,658 |
OCD | 164,995 | 171,871 |
OSTEOARTHRITIS | 5,525 | 4,816 |
OSTEOPOROSIS | 3,660,947 | 2,522,709 |
OVER WEIGHT | 34,334,127 | 20,423,069 |
OVERACTIVE THYROID | 7,023,556 | 4,838,749 |
PAIN | 11,125,180 | 7,898,547 |
PANCREATITIS | 23,340 | 15,912 |
POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME | 167,922 | 174,799 |
PREDIABETIC | 30,003,793 | 19,629,160 |
PROSTATE CANCER | 590 | 514 |
PROSTATE DISORDERS | 29,424 | 25,647 |
PSORIASIS | 166,275 | 173,254 |
PTSD | 163,379 | 170,537 |
PULMONARY | 539,237 | 352,851 |
PULMONARY STENOSIS | 166,901 | 174,097 |
RELAPSING POLYCHONDRITIS | 167,347 | 174,389 |
RESPIRATORY DISEASE | 1,111,683 | 1,153,144 |
RHEUMATISM | 86,408 | 75,318 |
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS | 166,878 | 173,218 |
SCLERODERMA | 404,682 | 392,527 |
SCOLIOSIS | 166,744 | 173,718 |
SHINGLES | 330,380 | 227,948 |
SICKLE CELL DISEASE | 194,647 | 192,618 |
SINUSITIS | 67,291 | 58,652 |
SKIN | 450,549 | 302,799 |
SLEEP APNEA | 113,872 | 81,997 |
SNORING | 317,281 | 276,558 |
SPINA BIFIDA | 166,000 | 173,204 |
SPINAL CORD INJURY | 163,500 | 170,657 |
STROKE | 2,318,456 | 1,935,604 |
SUICIDE | 1,089,208 | 1,131,690 |
SWELLING | 118,831 | 77,460 |
THERAPY | 141,480 | 91,786 |
THYROID | 362,709 | 299,808 |
TOBACCO_USE | 2 | 2 |
TOURETTE SYNDROME | 167,329 | 174,224 |
TUBERCULOSIS | 3,460,906 | 2,394,594 |
TURNER SYNDROME | 166,433 | 173,270 |
ULCERATIVE COLITIS | 168,509 | 175,319 |
ULCERS | 1,678,512 | 1,214,690 |
URINARY | 269,180 | 173,747 |
VACCINATIONS | 196 | 125 |
VACCINES | 300,235 | 194,125 |
VARICOSE VEINS | 14,135,568 | 9,741,663 |
VISION | 360,363 | 314,111 |
VISION IMPAIRMENT | 9,618,772 | 5,037,971 |
WEAKNESS | 134,388 | 87,077 |
WEIGHT | 11,353 | 9,896 |
WELLNESS | 581,071 | 388,575 |
WHEELCHAIR RX | 5,807 | 5,062 |
WILLIAMS SYNDROME | 166,948 | 173,711 |
WOMENS HEALTH | 575,077 | 381,669 |
Successful Ailment Data Users:
- Pharmaceutical Companies offering a New or a Competing Medication
- Market Research Companies doing studies for Pharmaceutical Marketing Organizations or other Medical Research Related Organizations
- New Physicians needing to build a Medical Practice
- Physicians that limit their Practice to a certain type of Ailment or Patient Group
- Companies offering Medical Devices or Medical Services intended for Specific Ailment Sufferer Groups
- Attorneys needing to contact prospective clients for Class Action Lawsuit Participation
Cross Selections: These Ailment Sufferers can be combined, so “for example” we can get Diabetics who also suffer from Heart Disease. Also these People can be mixed and matched with our Pharmaceutical User Data so we could “for example” combine Diabetics with Heart Disease, who are Actos or Avandia users. In addition, to Specific Ailment and Pharmaceutical Selections, we can incorporate Standard Consumer Selections into your Target Group such as “age, income, homeowner, ethnicity, gender, marital status, net worth, or children present. Please inquire with respect to possible additional selections and additional select costs.
Pricing: See our Pricing Structure Here, Volume discounts do apply. Please inquire.
New Ailment Data Product
In addition to our Standard Ailment Mailing List Database with 92 Million Households and Medication User Database with 62 Million Households, we now have available a New Multi Survey Based Ailment Data Feed covering 80 different Ailment Categories in 18.8 Million total Households.
- 8.8 Million of these households have available Land Lines.
- 7 Million have available Cell Phone Numbers.
- In Addition, we have approximately 6.5 million Validated Email Addresses available for these Ailment Sufferers.
With our New Ailment Data Product comes a very aggressive Data Pricing Structure. We can supply:
- Any 5000 of these Ailment Sufferers Names and Addresses along with 100% with Phone Numbers (Land or Cell) for $0.09 each.
- We can also include the Email Addresses for $0.04 each per record additional.
***With Volume Orders, we can offer aggressive Volume Data Discounts, please inquire.***
HIPPA COMPLIANT: All of our Pharmaceutical Information and Ailment Information is 100% Compliant with Federal HIPAA Laws.
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