Datamasters Antique Imported – Model Years 1980 and Older Owners counts by state!
Alabama | 10,087 |
Alaska | 1,493 |
Arizona | 9,046 |
California | 188,912 |
Colorado | 17,970 |
Delaware | 1,671 |
Washington D.C. | 3,718 |
Florida | 41,942 |
Idaho | 3,497 |
Illinois | 12,975 |
Iowa | 2,912 |
Kentucky | 5,962 |
Louisiana | 6,595 |
Maine | 1,579 |
Maryland | 7,185 |
Massachusetts | 32,909 |
Michigan | 11,385 |
Minnesota | 3,386 |
Mississippi | 6,283 |
Missouri | 6,576 |
Montana | 2,679 |
Nebraska | 2,891 |
Nevada | 8,120 |
New Hampshire | 2,511 |
New York | 22,055 |
North Carolina | 26,050 |
North Dakota | 929 |
Ohio | 17,682 |
Oregon | 13,947 |
South Carolina | 12,967 |
South Dakota | 456 |
Tennessee | 14,646 |
Texas | 42,795 |
Utah | 4,963 |
Vermont | 889 |
West Virginia | 1,423 |
Wisconsin | 6,411 |
Wyoming | 1,616 |
COLUMN TOTALS | 559,077 |
Please add $10.00 per thousand if you need the Names & Addresses on Peel & Stick Labels.
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