DataMasters Mailing Lists of Apartment Dwellers & Home Renters
We have three unique Databases you can utilize when Targeting Apartment Dwellers or Home Renters.
First: Select Specific Apartment Mailing List
You can select your Apartment Mailing List by Specific Apartment Complex & by Monthly Rental Amount using our newly updated Apartment Complex Database. When tapping into this resource you can select occupied addresses from over 90,000 individual Apartment Complexes throughout the country.
We can incorporate this search method for any Single Family Housing Subdivision or Mobile Home Community in the USA as well. These Addresses will all be deliverable & updated with the most recent NCOA Database from the USPS. The Apartment Complex Database pricing starts at $50.00 for all of the addresses in any 1 Complex, $200.00 for any 5 Complexes & $350.00 for any 10 Complexes. Volume discounts apply, please inquire.
Free Mailing Lists Consultation
Second: Refine Selection by Age, Income, Presence of Children, Marital Status, Gender, Length of Residency & Dwelling Type
DataMasters can supply you with the Current Names & Addresses of the Apartment Dwellers and Home Renters who reside in your area. When using Apartment Renter Data & Home Renter Data with 100% Names, your direct mailing project can be much more targeted and more personalized than a piece to current resident. With our Renters Database, you can select by Age, Income, Presence of Children, Marital Status, Gender, Length of Residency & Dwelling Type at no additional charge when pinpointing your target audience. There are hundreds of selections available, so please call us with respect to additional options & select charges. If you need to Target the Renters by Telephone, we have over 3.5 Million Apartment Renters and Home Renters in the USA with DNC Scrubbed Phones Numbers, add 1 cent apiece extra to include phone numbers to your prospect list. The Renters Database is updated monthly through NCOA & is created & updated with census data, credit bureau, and numerous proprietary compilation methods. The Apartment Renter / Home Renter Mailing Lists start at any 1000 Names & Addresses for $90.00, any 5000 Names & Addresses for $300.00, any 10,000 Names & Addresses for $500.00 or any 20,000 for $800.00. If needing Phone Numbers add 1 cent apiece for records that have Phones to the above prices. Please call us with respect to volume discounts (800) 575-3002.
Finally: Refine Selection by Zip Code, Carrier Route or Area Radius
With the USPS Occupant Database, we can select your Apartment Addresses by Zip Code, Carrier Route, or a Radius from a central address. This Database is CASS Certified & run through NCOA monthly to ensure that you are mailing to Occupied Apartment Addresses only. With this Database, we can select your Apartment Data by Median Income, Medium Age, Medium Home Value, % of households with Children, and by % of households that are a certain ethnicity. This Database contains over 30 Million Occupied Apartment Addresses & increases in volume every month as new Apartment Complexes are added to the File. With the Apartment Occupant Database, we can offer any 1000 Apartment Addresses for 9 cents each, any 5000 for 4 cents each, any 10,000 for 3.5 cents each, or any 20,000 for 3 cents each. Please inquire with respect to Volume Discounts.
These Apartment Lists & Home Renter Lists will be electronically delivered to you in Excel or any format needed. If you need Peel & Stick Labels Printed for any of our Lists, please add $10.00 per thousand to the above prices.
Please call us at (469) 549-1800 or (800) 897-1183 with any questions.
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