Datamasters offers over 21 Million USA Business Executives with Names & Postal, Phone and Email Information. Also we have over 1.7 Million European Executives, over 400K Australian Executives, 600K + Asian Executives, 15K+ South American Executives, over 1.5 Million UK executives, and over 700K Canadian Executives. All of these have full Contact Information with Names & Postal, Phone and 100% Email Contacts. See the below chart.
KEY DATA SERVICES: – Mailing Lists (e-mail, phone, postal), E-mail Marketing, Data Appending, Email, Data Hygiene and Email List Cleansing.
USA Counts for the B2B Execs by Title
Owners / Presidents | 500,000 |
Chief level execs | 1,500,000 |
VP level execs | 2,500,000 |
Director level execs | 4,000,000 |
Manager level execs | 7,000,000 |
Other / Non-Managers | 4,500,000 |
TOTAL | 20,000,000 |
Data Elements Available: – Our Database is comprised of complete information such as Company Names, Website Addresses, Contact Names, First Name, Last Name, Job Titles, Phone numbers, Fax numbers, Postal Address with Street, City, State, Zip/Post code, Country, Industry Type, Employee Size, Annual Sales Volume, and most importantly with their Email addresses.
Data Selections: – We can customize your Business Leads in any of the below ways •
- Industry type / SIC Description
- Product or Service Type
- By Executive Title or Employment Position Job roles
- Company Size (Annual Revenue or Employee Size)
- Geographical area
Type of Tech User “Please inquire with respect to additional available selections.”Compilation Methods: – We have a dedicated team of 400 + Data Experts who constantly compile lists and Append Emails from over 500 Global sources. We Also Data Scrub our entire database every 90 Days. Our phone verification team calls each of the contacts on our database once per year to update the information in detail. We also email the contacts in our lists quarterly to verify and validate their Email contact Information as well as their interests.
Data Sources: – Our Business Professionals Databases are compiled through multiple resources such as 5,350 Yellow Pages and Business White Pages Directories, New Business Sales Tax Permits and Incorporations, Bankruptcy records. Also Trade Associations, State Licensing Boards, Leading Business Magazines, Annual Reports and SEC. The Database is also updated monthly through National Change of Address, ZIP+4 carrier route, and Delivery Sequence Files. We also have 400+ data team members who are specialized in building lists and appending emails.
Data Accuracy: – The Lists we provide are all 100% Dual Verified, 90% Assured, Reusable, and Pre-Qualified before Delivery. We Guarantee 90%+ deliverability because Emails might bounce back due to reasons such as full mail boxes, or nonfunctioning Email Servers. Also, any bounced Emails will be replaced. We also email the contacts in our lists quarterly to verify and validate their Email contact Information as well as their interests.
Successful Customers: – Our Business Professionals with Email data has been successfully utilized by thousands of customers. From Health Insurance to Office Supply Offers any product or service can be successfully marketed to Business Executives.
Sample: – click here for a Data Sample of our Executives with Email.
Pricing: – 5,000 contacts @ $1100, 10,000 contacts @ $1800, 25,000 contacts @ $2200, 100,000 contacts @ $3800, 250,000 contacts @ $5800, 500,000 contacts @ $8500 and 1 Million contacts @ $10,000. “Please inquire with respect to Volume Pricing Requests” We will always do our best to find a Database Pricing Package that will fit within your budget.
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