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Homeowners with Homes Currently Listed for Sale

Datamasters » Mailing Lists » Homeowners with Homes Currently Listed for Sale

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Datamasters Offers a Daily Updated Database of all Homeowners in the USA whose homes are currently listed for Sale.

The average Volume of Homes for sale ranges between 1.8 Million to 2.2 Million.

Every Day the New Listings are added to the DB and the Sold Listings are deleted from the Database.

The Data is compiled from MLS reporting and supported with information from various Real Estate Listing Web Sites.

The For Sale Listings can be pulled by zip code, county or state.

The Minimum Order for Postal Information with Names and Addresses is 5000 Homeowners at 12 cents each. Emails will cost 5 cents each additional. Cell Phone Contacts will cost 2 cents each additional.  Please inquire regarding Volume Pricing.

House for sale featuring DataMasters, emphasizing homeowners with homes currently listed for sale, aligned with the page's real estate context.