Datamasters Offers a Daily Updated Database of all Homeowners in the USA whose homes are currently listed for Sale.
The average volume of homes for sale in the United States ranges between 1.8 Million to 2.2 Million homes. Our home sellers database makes it easy to reach these homeowners selling homes by creating custom homes for sale mailing lists.

Free Mailing Lists Consultation
These targeted mailing lists are great for direct mail campaigns to reach individuals selling a house.
Any organization or business that caters to home sellers can benefit from having their address, email address, and phone number information. Our home seller mailing lists can help businesses and organizations in the following areas:
- Real Estate Agents
- Real Estate Brokers
- Real Estate Marketing
- Real Estate Development
- Home Insurance
- Home Improvement Company
- Refinancing
- Real Estate Investing
- Home Inspection Company
- Personal Finance
- Mortgage Company
- and more…
We ensure our mailing lists are always up to date so your mail campaign and email marketing reaches the target homesellers you’re looking for. Every day DataMasters adds new listings to the database and removes all sold listings.
Our Data is compiled from MLS reporting and supported with information from various Real Estate Listing web sites.
Our Homes For Sale Listings can be pulled by zip code, county or state based on your direct marketing needs.
Whether you’re planning a direct marketing campaign to reach the home sellers themselves, or if you’re using the mailing list data as lead generation for your real estate investment agency, DataMasters has you covered.
The minimum order for our home seller mailing lists including postal information with names and addresses is 5,000 homeowners at $0.12 each.
- Add-on the email address for 5 cents each additional.
- Add-on the cell phone number for 2 cents each additional.
Please inquire regarding Volume Pricing.
Incorporating Homes for Sale Listings into Your Marketing Strategy
Whether you focus on digital marketing, email marketing, or direct mail marketing, there’s a way to incorporate our For Sale Listings into your marketing strategy. Our data experts can discuss the unique needs of your business or company to help you come up with a great marketing strategy focusing on lead generation and reaching your target consumer.
Contact DataMasters today for your Direct Marketing Needs.
Home Seller Mailing Lists FAQs
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