Pharmaceutical Mailing Lists
We offer over 62 Million Medication Users Searchable by 203 different Pharmaceuticals, both Over the Counter and by Prescription.
The people on our Medication User Database have all voluntarily submitted their medication use information from one of the following Self-Reported methods: Prescription Mail Order purchase information, Subscription Order Forms, Warranty Card Registrations, Sweepstakes Entry Forms, Telephone and Rebate coupons, Consumer Surveys, Questionnaires and Trade Show Conference Attendee Rosters.
Who Uses our Pharmaceutical Information?
- Pharmaceutical Companies offering a Competing Medication
- New Physicians needing to build a Medical Practice
- Physicians that limit their Practice to a certain type of Ailment or Patient
- Attorneys needing to contact prospective clients for Class Action Lawsuit Participation
Pharmaceutical Companies are forecast to generate $10.6 billion in sales via Direct Marketing in 2008, and $15.2 billion in 2012 according to the latest Direct Marketing Association (DMA) report, Direct Marketing Facts and Figures in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Key Findings from the Direct Marketing Association Report:
- In 2011, direct pharmaceutical marketers will spend more than $1 billion on direct marketing, reap revenues of $10.6 billion, and earn an advertising ROI of $10.27 on each $1 spent.
- Between 2007 and 2012, direct marketing-driven sales are projected to grow at a 9.4% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).
- Print marketing will generate more than $2 billion in sales this year.
Click here for the various Types of Prescription Drugs that we have in our Database of Medication Users. These Prospects can also be selected by particular Ailment in conjunction with the Medication used. See our Ailment Sufferers Database section for additional information.
We can supply any 2,000 of these Names & Addresses for 25 cents apiece or any 5,000 for 20 cents apiece. Add 2 cents per Ailment Sufferer for DNC Scrubbed Phone Numbers. Please inquire with respect to Email Usage and Email Broadcast Fees.
Volume discounts do apply. Please inquire.
All of our Pharmaceutical Information and Ailment Information is 100% Compliant with Federal HIPAA Laws.
Free Mailing Lists Consultation
The Power of Direct Mail for Medical and Pharmaceutical Marketing
Direct mail remains a powerful tool for medical and pharmaceutical marketing. Unlike digital channels, direct mail...
How Businesses Can Leverage Consumer & Business Mailing Lists for Growth
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Clear Vision, Clear Strategy-Targeted Mailing Lists for Optometrists
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