Datamasters now offers a Monthly Feed of Recently Divorced people with full postal, Cell Phone Number and Email Address
We offer a Weekly Feed or a Monthly Feed and Average 30,000 records per month
We have about 110,000 records that are 6 months and newer and 300,000 that are 1 year and newer. We have 2 Million + that are older than 12 months.
The Data is compiled exclusively from county courthouse records
Pricing starts at 30 cents per lead with a 5000 Record Min Order
If you take the Entire Data Set, delivered weekly we can supply the Leads for 20 cents each
Weekly Feeds
30k Per Month
109423 Less than 6 Months Old
296438 Less than 12 Months Old
2M+ More than 12 Months.
Free Mailing Lists Consultation
Consumer Mailing Lists: How to Use Them and Why You Need Them
Mailing lists are always a great idea because they typically lead to more B2C (business to consumer) connection. This...