Student Direct Mail Lists and Email Marketing Lists
Datamasters offers the most comprehensive and accurate Student Mailing Lists and Student Email Marketing Lists throughout the USA. The Student Data is compiled through Year Books, Surveys & and Multiple Proprietary Sources.
Our main Student Mailing List Categories Include: College Students, High School Students and Junior High School Students.
College Students: Our College Student Database is the most extensive and comprehensive source available for Marketers needing to reach College Students. We currently have over 8.6 million College Students Names & Addresses available for Direct Mailing and over 3.8 Million College Students available with Email Addresses. This exclusive Database is updated yearly throughout the Fall and Spring Semesters from multiple proprietary sources & is available for over 1400 2 year Colleges & 4-year Universities throughout the USA. The College Students are searchable by School Names, Class Year, Gender, and Income. We can also select these College Student Names with either at school addresses or home addresses. College Students are the Premier Target Audience for Marketers of Products and Services wanting to establish early lifelong customer relationships. Companies that Offer Products and Services ranging from Electronics, Software, Cellular Plans, Career & Vocational Services, Employee Recruiting, Military Recruiting, Housing Offers have successfully utilized our College Student Mailing Lists. Click here for our College Student Data Card.
Free Mailing Lists Consultation
In addition to the Current College Student Data, we have Alumni Data for over 14 Million Alumni Contacts with Postal Information and Email Addresss. These Alumni can be selected by the University attended, as well as well as the Subject the Ex College Students Majored in.
High School Students: We currently have approximately 5.5 million High School Students available for Direct Mail Marketing with Names & Addresses in our High School Student Database. These Students can be selected by zip code, county or radius, then by Class Year, Age & Gender as well as Annual Household Income. High School Students are excellent prospects for product and service offers such as Career & Vocational Services, College Prep Materials, Computer Games and Software, Credit Card Offers, Educational Funding Offers, Limousine Services, Military Enlistment Offers, Prom Dress and Tuxedo Rentals, Retail Offers. Scholarships, and Sporting Goods + many more not mentioned here. For further information with respect to Targeting Families with children present, see our Family Page.
Junior High School Students: We currently have approximately 1.5 Million Students with Names & Addresses in our Junior High School Student Database all available. These Students can be selected by zip code, county or radius, then by Class Year, Age & Gender as well as Annual Household Income. Junior High Students are terrific prospects for hundreds of products and services, including Amusement Activities, Beauty Related Products and Services Computer Games & Software, Educational Product & Services, Health & Beauty related Products, Teen Related Magazine Subscription Offers, Music & Videos, Photography, Summer Camps and Sporting Goods, the list goes on. For further information with respect to Targeting Families with children present, see our Family Page.
Check out our Specialty File of Families with College Age Young Adults with almost 6.7 Million Households that have a family member from 18 to 22 years of age.
Also please go to our Printing & Mailing Services Page for information regarding our Design / Printing and Mailing capabilities.
Our Student Data Direct Mailing List Pricing Starts at 15 cents per listing with a 5000 Name Minimum Data Order. Add 3 cent apiece additional for DNC Scrubbed Phones. Also, add 3 cents apiece additional for Emails. The Emails cannot be released & the broadcast will have to be handled in-house, and there is a $950.00 Minimum Order for a Student Email Marketing List Broadcast.
3.8 Million College aged Students with Releasable Email for Client Use
Alternatively, we have available a College Aged Student File of 2.6 Million Email Contacts for College Students with ages 18-23 where we can release the Actual Email Data for your Email Marketing or Digital Use. The Rate starts at 20 cents each with a 5000 Contact Min Order, or 10,000 at 15 cents per Contact. These Students are selectable by Geography by not by specific School or University.
Students that are available by University – data cannot be released to the client and have to be used on a 1 time basis. Please ask for details or clarification.
Student Email Lists and Mailing Lists – SAMPLE
Further Volume Discounts are available, please inquire.
Please contact us today to speak to a friendly Student Data Marketing Specialist. (800) 897-1183, or email us )
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